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Can I insert a search bar into an article?

I want to have one article in which I list a collection of FAQs. However, I would like the reader to be able to search for what they need. I tried the "insert code" option to create a search bar but it didn't work. Is there a way to insert a search bar into an article?

Best answer by Kevin Bendixen

Not possible. The insert code option is simply for formatting your text to look like program code. You can't insert code that would then be executed.

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Kevin Bendixen
Top Expert ✨

Not possible. The insert code option is simply for formatting your text to look like program code. You can't insert code that would then be executed.


I am using Collapsible sections for this purpose. That way you can see all the headings of FAQs but the article is much more compact, it’s working really well for me!😁 

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