Is anyone else experiencing this problem. If so how do I get around it. Each time an article is edited to update the information the numerical value changes.. and any links in out app pointing to the document now fail.
what's the RIGHT way to link or to edit?
Best answer by Aparna
Hey @geetaβ ! Can you open a conversation with our support team with all details - link to the article, what changes you made and numerical values that got changed together with relevant screenshot? This would be helpful for investigation. Thanks
Hey @geetaβ ! Can you open a conversation with our support team with all details - link to the article, what changes you made and numerical values that got changed together with relevant screenshot? This would be helpful for investigation. Thanks
You can also monitor all your help center articles for broken links (both incoming and external) with the Intercom app, Docs Fresh. It will also automatically create a task to fix those links (assign to anyone on your team) with association to the article that has the issue.
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