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How to best separate our customers from end users in our b2b saas application. (type of contacts?)

  • February 24, 2023
  • 1 reply

To explain first. we have a B2B Saas application. Where our customers are companies that use our tool to publish content to the outside world. In order to get a good insight in potential issues we like to serve both our own customers (the companies) But also help the end-consumer with questions about buying something through our platform. So those are actually customers of our customers.


How can I best differentiate these users from our actual customers? or maybe even connect those users to our customers. It seemed i don't have access to the user type attribute on a contact.

Best answer by Racheal

Hey @user1437​ Racheal from the support engineer team hereπŸ‘‹ 


I would suggest using custom data attributes to filter and Segment these two groups of users. When you say you don't have access to user type attributes on a contact, do you mean on a visitor? Once a visitor starts a conversation with you they will be converted to a lead (more on that here!) and you can certainly track user data for leads. As far as connecting these two users, I'm not entirely sure what makes sense for your product but you could connect the two users to their companies. Keep in mind that would mean the customer's customer would receive outbound messaging targeting the company as well.


If that doesn't work, you could also utilize user Tags to connect the two groups.

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Intercom Team
  • Customer Support Engineer
  • 512 replies
  • Answer
  • February 28, 2023

Hey @user1437​ Racheal from the support engineer team hereπŸ‘‹ 


I would suggest using custom data attributes to filter and Segment these two groups of users. When you say you don't have access to user type attributes on a contact, do you mean on a visitor? Once a visitor starts a conversation with you they will be converted to a lead (more on that here!) and you can certainly track user data for leads. As far as connecting these two users, I'm not entirely sure what makes sense for your product but you could connect the two users to their companies. Keep in mind that would mean the customer's customer would receive outbound messaging targeting the company as well.


If that doesn't work, you could also utilize user Tags to connect the two groups.


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