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Is there any way to make a macro/saved reply only accessible for certain teams?

I basically need to duplicate all of my macros with slight edits depending on the team they are assigned to. They will be answers to the same questions, but the company name will be changed depending on the team (and maybe some very minor other changes). Since the macros will essentially be the same on each team, it would be helpful if I could title them the same thing.


Here's the problem: I do not want one team to be able to access the other team's macros. It will get way too confusing if everyone can access 2 almost duplicate macros for each macro. When I try to make a response only available for one of the teams, "Everyone" is still highlighted here (see screenshot). Therefore, even though I have separate macros per team, each team can access both macros.


I hope that makes sense! Screen Shot 2022-08-31 at 4.56.54 PM

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Expert User ✨
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  • September 1, 2022

It's just the hover effect. When you hover over the element it gets blue. Once you move away the mouse in such a way that something else gets highlighted this will not be highlighted anymore. And definitely will not be available to everyone as that option is not selected.

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  • September 1, 2022

Hah, I wish it were that simple, I know about the hover effect. That is not what's happening. I can't deselect "everyone" if I have "specific teams" selected - it does not give me an option to do that. I've tried everything I can think of but am able to use both sets of macros no matter which team I am working in - the screenshot here is just a hypothesis of what I think could be the problem.

Expert User ✨
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  • September 1, 2022

In your screenshot "Everyone" is not selected. Only where the checkmark is, that option is selected. And logically, in this list, you can not have multiple selections.



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  • September 1, 2022

Milan, I appreciate you trying to help. But I guarantee you, this is not the issue. I fully understand that logically, in the list, I cannot have multiple selections. I also fully understand the hover effect. My cursor is not hovering over "everyone" when I sent this screenshot. You'll notice also that the problem remains: even though you say "everyone" is not selected, each team can use both sets of macros.

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  • September 5, 2022


Hey there @user1851​ 👋 does it still show everyone if you are editing this in the Settings here? You can only have selection at a time so once the team(s) under specific team are chosen it should stay on this selection. Screenshot 2022-09-05 at 16.57.00 

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  • September 5, 2022

Hey! It doesn't, no, however for whatever reason each macro is still accessible no matter which team the chat is for.

Expert User ✨
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  • September 5, 2022

Then you should ask Intercom support to look at it - could be a bug.

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