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React Native - Login User ERROR - [HTTP 429] - Request failed: client error (429)

We just upgraded from v1.0.1 to v4.0.1 and are getting some errors thrown in production.

So far we've only rolled out our iOS release, so that's all the errors we're getting atm.

await Intercom.loginUserWithUserAttributes(userProfile)

Is throwing

Error: ERROR - [HTTP 429] - Request failed: client error (429)

This is happening for a small, but non trivial, amount of our users.

I can't find anything useful in the docs about this error or what might be contributing to it.


So far it's limited to iOS v16+, but that might just be coincidence due to the larger % of users on the latest iOS version.

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2 replies

  • Active User
  • 30 replies
  • January 5, 2023

👋 @user1553​! This error indicates that you are sending too many requests to the Intercom API so they have been blocked for a certain amount of time. I would recommend getting in touch with Intercom Support through the messenger who can take a look on their side at your API requests and determine the underlying issue.

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • January 5, 2023

Thanks for your response! I contacted support and they are evaluating.


I'm still investigating and waiting on support team to get back. But so far my best guess to a root cause is a fundamental difference between Android and iOS Intercom packages.


When I hit `Intercom.loginUserWithUserAttributes` a subsequent time on Android it appropriately throws an error [ERROR - Failed to register user. We already have a registered user.]. However, on the iOS platform it does no such thing and simply registers the user again taxing our rate limit.


Combined with the lack of any way to verify that the user is logged in already, forcing me to attempt login on each app launch in order to ensure Help Center functionality, leads to the 429 rate limiting.



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