Hello, I have a problem with Intercom 12 and 15.
I have a problem under certain conditions when using the Intercom iOS SDK: when I try to open a conversation from the Intercom conversation list, the application starts crashing with an error.
I updated the SDK version to 15 and it crashed with the same error.
The application is launching the messenger with `[Intercom presentMessageComposer:@""]`.
Are you aware of these problems and can you suggest a solution?
Xcode version 14.3 (Objective-C)
Intercom iOS SDK version 12.4.3 / 15.0.0
↓Crashing pattern
iPhone Xs iOS version 16.5
iPhone 12 iOS version 16.5
↓Patterns that do not crash
iPhone 7 iOS version 15.0
iPhone Xr iOS version 16.3.1
iPhone 12 mini iOS version 15.4.1
Fatal Exception: NSInternalInconsistencyException Invalid batch updates detected: the number of sections and/or items returned by the data source before and/or after performing the batch updates are Data source before updates = { 1 section with item counts: [1] } Data source after updates = { 1 section with item counts: [1] } Updates = [ Insert item (0 - 0) ] Collection view: <Intercom.TouchTransparentCollectionView: 0x1071a1600; baseClass = UICollectionView; frame = (- 375 0; 375 758); transform = [1, 0, 0, 1, -375, 0]; clipsToBounds = YES; alpha = 0; gestureRecognizers = <NSArray: 0x281c723d0>; backgroundColor = UIExtendedGrayColorSpace 0 0; layer = <CALayer: 0x280a0f860>; contentOffset: {0, -56}; contentSize: {375, 371}; adjustedContentInset: {56, 0, 34, 0 }; layout: <ICMHomescreenFlowLayout: 0x10563c930>; dataSource: <ICMHomescreenViewController: 0x106107400>>