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Non-related stuff happening after update on Android app

  • September 5, 2023
  • 1 reply

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply

Hi, everyone!

I am facing some weird issues after updating to latest intercom version, but it also happened after last update.

Last year, in november, I upgraded to '' and after that, we got some massive crashing in production which is still present since I was trying to fix navigation until today when something else happened and I got suspicion it is related to intercom upgrade. So, here is out massive crash (6k events in last 90 days) submitted to google:

Today, I have tried upgrading to '' and another equally weird thing happened, but now it was underwritten by red, related to `BottomSheetDialog` (?!). We had this part of code for like 4 years and it was working just fine until I have changed intercom version:

binding.bottomSheetFFFFFF.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
    public void onGlobalLayout() {
       int peekHeight = binding.appCompatTextViewFFFFF.getBottom();
       bottomSheetBehavior.setPeekHeight(peekHeight, true);
       setVerticalPadding(0, peekHeight);
       bottomSheetBehavior.setState(bottomSheetBehavior.getState()); // <-- red warning here

I said red warning since I have build it successfully and it was working until some case when it was crashing and I could not get in app. Fix was to change the problematic line with:



And it is not a problem anymore, but FIRST PROBLEM from above did not have any warning and it cannot be solved easily and it is definitely caused by changing intercom version - I guess the library does not get along with navigation and obviously bottomsheetdialog and what else?

We cannot afford having something unstable in app, but we need it. Any similar experiences? Any hope it will get better?

Best answer by Eden

Hey @Zhex πŸ‘‹ Eden from the support engineer team here.


Definitely get how experiencing crashes in your mobile apps would be frustrating. We don't have insight into all of the different dependencies and customizations within individuals apps, and don’t always have control over what is compatible with newer SDK versions. Are you still seeing crashes occur for your Android app? If so, I can escalate this as a conversation with the Support team so that they can investigate this for you further as well. πŸ‘

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  • Premier Customer Support Engineer
  • 121 replies
  • Answer
  • September 7, 2023

Hey @Zhex πŸ‘‹ Eden from the support engineer team here.


Definitely get how experiencing crashes in your mobile apps would be frustrating. We don't have insight into all of the different dependencies and customizations within individuals apps, and don’t always have control over what is compatible with newer SDK versions. Are you still seeing crashes occur for your Android app? If so, I can escalate this as a conversation with the Support team so that they can investigate this for you further as well. πŸ‘


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