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15 hours since opening a production outage support request - how to escalate?

  • September 24, 2024
  • 1 reply

I opened a support ticket 15+ hours ago and the intercom automated messenger provided me zero help.  Its automated bot said up to 5 hour response times.  Of course this is unacceptable when the issue is causing a production outage of my product but there is no way to escalate.

I have emailed all the support and customer service emails I have ever dealt with and it seems like Intercom is just a shadow of a company run by FinAI now.  Are there people there that I can talk to?

This is seriously a terrible demonstration of how their tech can help customer support teams.  It is an abysmal service from the customer's perspective.

If anyone can guide me on how to escalate to a human at Intercom I would really appreciate it.  This is having a material impact on my business at this point. 

Update: There isn’t even a category from the pick list on this forum that fits my need.  Terrible experience.

Best answer by mateusz.leszkiewicz

Hi @Sean S13, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

Recently we were experiencing a bit more volume that usual hence the slight delays in the response times.

We are trying to keep up with the all conversations that our customers starting with us. 

I can see that your conversation was already handled by Mariah

Let me know if you need any more assistance with the issue.

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Intercom Team

Hi @Sean S13, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

Recently we were experiencing a bit more volume that usual hence the slight delays in the response times.

We are trying to keep up with the all conversations that our customers starting with us. 

I can see that your conversation was already handled by Mariah

Let me know if you need any more assistance with the issue.

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