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How to "reset" an article's reaction?

  • September 10, 2024
  • 3 replies

Is there a way to “reset” an article’s reaction?


For example, if an article received 75% ☹️ (frown face), we’d like to be able to reset it back to zero once an article is updated. That also includes the ability for someone who downvoted it previously to have an opportunity to re-rate the article. 

Best answer by mateusz.leszkiewicz

Hi @Susanna Tham & @giannavinita, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

There is no way to reset the rating for an article at the moment so Susanna’s approach would be the only workaround.

I would suggest using our API though. You can change the faulty article with our API endpoints, simply use Retrieve the Article then Delete an Article finally, copy the body of the retrieved article, then use  Create a new Article.

You can write a script that will do it for you in a matter of seconds.

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3 replies

Susanna Tham
  • New Participant
  • 4 replies
  • September 10, 2024

@IntercomWriter as far as I know, there’s no way to do this (I would love this option too). Maybe someone from Intercom has a solution they can share with us 😁

We’ve previously just created a new article to reset all the data 📊 So copy pasting the full content into a new article in all of our supported languages which is not ideal, but gets the job done ✔️

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • September 10, 2024

@Susanna Tham she is right!

Intercom Team

Hi @Susanna Tham & @giannavinita, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

There is no way to reset the rating for an article at the moment so Susanna’s approach would be the only workaround.

I would suggest using our API though. You can change the faulty article with our API endpoints, simply use Retrieve the Article then Delete an Article finally, copy the body of the retrieved article, then use  Create a new Article.

You can write a script that will do it for you in a matter of seconds.

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