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Hello There, I have a question on conversation attributes.

Hello There, I have a question on conversation attributes. I know there isn't a way to have conversation attributes be nested, but do you have any suggestions on workarounds?


Essentially, I have a conversation attribute called "Topic" and a conversation attribute called "Sub-Topic." Both are picklist values and when topic is equal to a specific value (let's use "Order" as an example), I want the "Sub-Topic" field to only show the relevant picklist values related to "Order".


Any insight would be much appreciated. Thank you!

2 replies

  • Innovator
  • 29 replies
  • March 14, 2022

Hey Kevin! Yep, totally know where you're coming from here as we had a similar need for our support team. We didn't manage to solve it unfortunately, but ended up providing some more feedback/guidance using Guru for the team giving the "best practice" options to choose in certain situations.


Fingers crossed for a filterable/nestable hierarchy for these in future!

  • Active User
  • 13 replies
  • March 14, 2022

add this to the product wishlist - we'd love to have it too!

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