Obvs you can preview the individual steps in the editor, but I want to be able to go on the journey my customers are seeing so I can check the rules are applying correctly.
What's the best way of testing series?
Best answer by Gavin
👋 I'm not sure there's a way to test Series natively through Intercom, however, I have personally utilized a few custom methods to test a Series.
When I'm testing a Series, I make a duplicate of it for testing purposes. 🚧
Once I've duplicated the Series, I can edit the rule block to my ID specifically so that I'm the only one receiving the Series. 💳
Once you've set the Series live, the specified User ID will be the only account that receives your Series. This can be used to test the Series in-app and view the customer experience without other accounts experiencing it until you're ready to go live. 🚀
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