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Hello everyone, I am Kannan, co-founder of Daily9 Wellness (www.

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Hello everyone, I am Kannan, co-founder of Daily9 Wellness ( - we are a health coaching company in India. We help our users for better habits around diet, sleep and activity to improve their health. We do this through our user-only coaching app. We've been using Intercom for 18 months now for pretty much all lead and user interactions - emails, in-app messages, email campaigns and mobile carousels. We also use many of the Intercom apps - like Typeform. We've realised that Intercom is incredibly powerful in connecting and engaging with our users and are always looking to make the most of it.


Here's a GIF I love and send often to our users:



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Super User ✨
  • Super User ✨
  • 257 replies
  • August 28, 2020

Welcome Kannan!

Nice gif! It's one of my faves too. But nothing beats a good PARTY for me :)


I'm about to look at mobile carousels - looks awesome from what I've seen so far. Are they coming in handy for your app?


  • 0 replies
  • August 28, 2020

Welcome to Interconnected Kannan 👋 Classic GIF! Great motivation for a Friday morning 💪 It seems like everyone need better habits, especially these days so it's great to hear you're finding Intercom so powerful. I'm really excited to see you share your knowledge with other users!


Eric Fitz
  • Employee
  • 1630 replies
  • August 28, 2020

Welcome to Interconnected, Kannan! So great to have an Intercom power user like you as part of our community! 🙌


Sounds like you have a lot of Intercom knowledge to share with your fellow Connectors!

  • Author
  • New Participant
  • 2 replies
  • August 28, 2020

Hi Brent, in a word YES. We've tried about 8 carousels so far in the last 4 weeks and completion rates are between 70-90%. These are not open rates you would see for any other medium (which for us is in-app messages & push notifications). We've moved some content from previous in-app messages to the carousels.


Of course, you have to be very thoughtful about how (and how often) you use carousels. We're using it twice a week so far. I will also also add that our user base for this is paid users only and small numbers at the moment (100-150).


Hope that helps.

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