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Hey folks! 👋 Mohamed here from Octopods.


Hey folks! 👋 Mohamed here from Octopods. I'm hoping to learn a new thing or two, and to help the community out if I can! I'm new to and highly interested in design and product development. I'm also interested in adopting a kitten or a birdie, but have yet to decide on which. I could use some help in that area, too ;)


I love reading and writing about what I read. If anyone's got a book recommendation, please throw it my way!


And finally, a little bit about Octopods: We bring social messaging, SMS, and chat services into your Intercom Inbox, so you can communicate with your users through their favorite channel.


As for my favorite GIF, I'm not sure I have only one! Here are a few that come to mind:

giphy (3)

giphygiphy (1)giphy (2)(this is me!)


5 replies

  • 0 replies
  • August 5, 2020

What an introduction! Welcome to the community @mohamed e11​ 👋


First off, I'm stealing that Spock GIF. Secondly, I can't help you with the choice between bird and kitten...I have two dogs 😆 I can however help you with a good book. I'm currently reading "Invisible Women : Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men" by Caroline Criado Perez. It's fascinating!

Eric Fitz
  • Employee
  • 1630 replies
  • August 5, 2020

What's better than one GIF? Three GIFs! Welcome to the party, Mohamed!


Much like Kate, I'm also a dog person, so can't help you with your pet conundrum. The last book I read was This Is Going To Hurt by Adam Kay, it's a diary of a junior doctor in the UK's health system!

  • New Participant
  • 3 replies
  • August 5, 2020

I like the last gif best! 😂


Thanks @Kate Sugrue​ ! I expect for you to do no less with the Spock GIF 😄 Thanks for the book suggestion! I happen to have it on my reading list. Perhaps it's time I got to it! 😀


As for pets, alas, I've decided to wait!🐧 🐱


Thanks @eric f11​ ! :)) Ahh, dog people everywhere! 😅 Thanks for the book suggestion, I will look it up! 😁


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