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Hi there! I'm Laura! I am the social media and web coordinator for a large retail store in Knoxville, Tennessee.

  • September 9, 2020
  • 1 reply

Hi there! I'm Laura! I am the social media and web coordinator for a large retail store in Knoxville, Tennessee. We've been using intercom since March 2020. When COVID-19 hit the country, we were looking for more innovated ways to provide customer service support to our customers for our retail stores and our e-commerce store. I've really been impressed with the influx of questions we get daily and I really think that adding intercom to our customer service experience has really helped increase business and brand awareness.


1 reply

Eric Fitz
  • Employee
  • 1630 replies
  • September 9, 2020

Hey @lambert's​, welcome to Interconnected! Delighted to hear that Intercom has been of use to you and your team during the pandemic - I reckon other Connectors will really value you sharing your experience here!


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