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How to use reply buttons from Custom Objects

  • January 9, 2023
  • 1 reply

Hello everyone, I am working in a custom integration with Intercom that will allow my customers to create bots that handle e-commerce tasks for them directly in the Messenger. To do that we want to allow them to build a bot that:

  • Collects some data like email and order number
  • Calls my API endpoint
  • Allows the customer to select what order line they want to talk to support about


To do this I have created 2 custom objects:


_customOrders, with the fields:

  • externalID
  • customer_email
  • customer (many to 1 People with the field name custom_orders)
  • conversation (many to 1 Conversation with the field name custom_orders)
  • custom_lines (1 to many _customLines with the field custom_order)


_customLines, with the fields:

  • externalID
  • price
  • product_name
  • custom_order (many to 1 _customOrders with the field custom_lines)
  • conversation (many to 1 Conversation with the field custom_lines)
  • customer (many to 1 People with the field custom_lines)


Based on the documentation I then created a custom action that returns a JSON like this:

"id": 1,
"order_number": 1001,
"customer_email": "",
"lines": [
"id": "p1",
"price": 10,
"product_name": "product name 1",
"order_id": 1001
"id": "p2",
"price": 11,
"product_name": "product name 2",
"order_id": 1001

And I mapped it so that:


_customOrders will take the root and map externalID to id, customer_email to customer_email. I then added a mapping to Conversation + People from the context.


_customLines will take the "lines" array and map externalId to id, price to price, and product_name to product_name. I then also mapped to Conversation + People from the context.


However when I try to use these in a custom bot by adding the Custom Action (using API) they won't work even though it shows it will update the Conversation and People:


image.pngIf I add then a Reply buttons from Custom Objects action in the success path of this action I can choose the custom object data from the API response correctly, either I use the _customOrders or the _customLines one. But each give me the same error when trying to save the selection to the conversation: "Link Conversation to <custom_object_selected>". But they are already linked, so this is really confusing.


For reference I tried removing that mapping in the custom action to save it to People + Conversation through the context and it still failed. So I am at a loss of why this doesn't work.

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1 reply

Intercom Team
  • Customer Support Engineer
  • 512 replies
  • January 12, 2023

Hey @bruno v​ Racheal from the support engineer team hereπŸ‘‹ 


It sounds like you'll need to link the object to the conversation to make the selected item accessible. Are you selecting where to save the data within your bot? Custom Actions are bit a tricky to troubleshoot without seeing your specific set up and workspace data. Could you write into us on the support team to help sort this out for you? You can reach us via the Messenger or


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