Is there a way to make a conversation exempt from a “Customer has been inactive” workflow with snooze features used? Often, we have customers with a resolution that may take several hours to complete. While they are waiting, I don’t want our Snooze and “checking in” messages to fire. I thought manually snoozing them would keep them exempt from the workflow but they get pulled out of the manual snooze and the workflow forces them into the snooze and checking in message cycle, leaving our customers confused! Any suggestions?
Is there a way to make a conversation exempt from a “Customer has been inactive” workflow
Best answer by mateusz.leszkiewicz
Hi Cassie,
Have you tried creating a Workflow with the trigger “Teammate changed the conversation state”, to tag the conversation with the tag "do_not_checking_in.”
Then you can modify your original inactive workflow to exclude the conversations tagged with the above workflow?
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