What is considered as a good Resolution bot coverage rate?
Best answer by Titho
Late to add value here but I am looking to match Resolution Rate and Coverage as the same value with less focus on resolution rate and more on coverage. You cannot resolve, what you cannot answer
Target 33% coverage rate (to start) with eventual target of > 50%
So I want a third of all conversations to prompt for a bot answer, and then have the same metric to start in closing said conversation.
What we have seen is very very poor coverage for any bots answers that have less than 15-20 answers trained - as we get closer to 30 we have seen coverage increase steadily from low sub 10% to around 30% coverage.
Additionally, you have to have a strong engagement with customers to teach them how to frame their issues, how to ask questions and keep things concise - the bots do not do well with large paragraphs of text versus just typing in what is needed. We have had some success in introducing the bot, providing examples and educating customers that they do not always have to wait for a human (but we have humans if needed).
Hope that helps.
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