If we use this API https://developers.intercom.com/intercom-api-reference/reference#list-data-attributes can we able to fetch any of the data attributes and pass that attribute value to a variable and then that variable need to be passed on to Watson. If yes could you please provide some guides/steps to achieve this?
Hello @anoop , Let me try to help you here, okay?
If you want to get data attributes from the conversation, you should use Retrieve a conversation API.
Sending GET request to https://api.intercom.io/conversations/ConversationID
"custom_attributes": {
"Type": "Issue",
"Priorty": "Low",
"Feature": "Billing & Payments"
Let me know if you have any other questions about the API, happy to help 🦄
Hello @Roy ,
I understand that using conversation ID I can get the required attributes, but my problem here is I need to get the attributes or conversation ID at the very beginning of every conversation. Could you tell me which API should I use?
I tried with the data attributes API model and its not returning any values. Any suggestions please.
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