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I'm posting this as a new question, because my previous one is 7 days old and had no reply:

This job ID: azzldhejyd7n7mjd

When trying to retrieve the data immediately, it works. After some time however (tested 10h30 later), it gave 500 internal server error.

I have this with every export: after a larger amount of time, it results in an error 500.

According to the documentation, this data should remain available at least 2 days.

This is all via the intercom API.


Hey @bruno d​ Racheal from the support engineer team here👋 


Ah, I'm sorry to hear you're running into trouble! Can you write into support so we can take a better look into the logs for you?


How do I write into support ? ... I don't see the word 'support' mentioned anywhere...
