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I see there is an API for "List Attached Tags" for contacts but not Companies. Is there a way to pull what tags are associated with a company? Or is the returned on "retrieve a company" or "list all companies"?

Hello @peter c11​ 👋 ,


Q - Or is the returned on "retrieve a company" or "list all companies"?

A - Yes, it's returned in Retrieve a company API.



"type": "company",

"company_id": "XXXXXXXX",

"id": "611125fc271a2e105ea1fdde",

"app_id": "XXXXXXX",

"name": "John Smith",

"created_at": 1628513788,

"updated_at": 1634292053,

"last_request_at": 1628513749,

"monthly_spend": 0,

"session_count": 0,

"user_count": 1,

"website": "",

"tags": {

"type": "tag.list",

"tags": o{

"type": "tag",

"id": "4638224",

"name": "CSV Import - 2020-10-05 13:30:34 UTC"

}, {

"type": "tag",

"id": "5021859",

"name": "convert"

}, {

"type": "tag",

"id": "5683902",

"name": "Checkin"



"segments": {

"type": "segment.list",

"segments": o]


"plan": {},

"custom_attributes": {}


Let me know if you have any additional questions about Intercom API, more than happy to provide help 👀

Thanks @roy s11​ !
