
Can I send an in-app message to a visitor via api?

  • 3 January 2021
  • 3 replies

Is it possible to send a in-app message to a visitor via api? Before they become a lead or a user.


Or, is it possible to convert a visitor to a lead or a user via api then send them an in-app message?


I'm trying to trigger an in-app message to a visitor after they fill out a form on my website.


We are able to retrieve the Visitor ID using the provide JS and it looks something like this:





But I don't know how to use this ID to target the visitor with an in-app message.




Best answer by User517 3 January 2021, 17:28

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3 replies


Hello @user517​ , why just not send an outbound in-app message once they fill the form?

I just want to make sure they get it while on the page. The issue is that they only provided their email in our form (not Intercom), so Intercom still doesn't know the visitor is the person filling out the form.


I suppose I can convert the visitor to a lead using this endpoint:>


Then either update or tag the lead to trigger an in-app message or send the in-app msg via api.


But I thought since Intercom has the ability to send outbound messages to visitors there would be a mechanism to send in-app messages to visitors via api.

Looks like another way to do this is to Create a conversation with a visitor.


Sending for vistitors

You can also send a message from a visitor by specifying their user_id or id value in the from field, along with a type field value of contact. This visitor will be automatically converted to a contact with a lead role once the conversation is created.
