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As per the api doc:

When creating conversation, We should send the type as lead in from object. But on doing so, I get the error, user not found.


"type": "error.list",

"request_id": "00034vg9jrnkg43k9mf0",

"errors": [


"code": "not_found",

"message": "User Not Found"






But when I change type to `user`, it worked.



For lead, we should pass type as `lead` only not `user`.

Hey @anurag m​ ! Thanks for flagging it. I will test this and also check if there is any bug issue on this. If needed I will open up a new issue.

Hey @anurag m​ ! Can you please reach out to our support team, so we can investigate this further and open an issue?


Sure @aparna​ ! Please tell me the way to reach the support team.

@aparna​ Any update on this please.


@anurag m​ ! Sorry for the delay. You can reach via Messenger in your workspace or send an email to

I have the same problem, why not posting the answer so everyone can take advantage ?


curl -v -H "Authorization: Bearer X*******X" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type: application/json" \\


-d "{ \"from\": {\"type\":\"lead\",\"id\":\"1*****7\"}, \"body\":\"Conversation created from API\" }"

Response: Error 404

{"type":"error.list","request_id":"00********p0","errors":[{"code":"not_found","message":"User Not Found"}]}

The user id I'm using for the lead is the last number on the URL of the admin's page: `*****/admins/1*****7`/p>



