We are trying to create a contact with the role user, but on sending `external_id` in request, it's not getting returned in the response. Also it doesn't show up in the properties of the created contact in the dashboard. And using the search api with that `external_id` returns no results. Anything we might be doing wrong or some setting we have enable?
Here's the request and response object:
"role": "user",
"external_id": "27",
"email": "wash@serenity.io",
"unsubscribed_from_emails": false,
"custom_attributes": {
"conversion_score": 0.98,
"age_bucket": "0-14"
"type": "contact",
"id": "62b55ddacc687ae385777d76",
"user_id": "f4e6fa26-a66f-44ad-a9c8-48aae2428a5d",
"anonymous": true,
"email": "wash@serenity.io",
"phone": null,
"name": null,
"pseudonym": "Orange Scissors",
"avatar": {
"type": "avatar",
"image_url": null
"app_id": "km6bq31o",
"companies": {
"type": "company.list",
"companies": []
"location_data": {},
"last_request_at": null,
"created_at": 1656053210,
"remote_created_at": null,
"signed_up_at": null,
"updated_at": 1656053210,
"session_count": 0,
"social_profiles": {
"type": "social_profile.list",
"social_profiles": []
"owner_id": null,
"unsubscribed_from_emails": false,
"marked_email_as_spam": false,
"has_hard_bounced": false,
"tags": {
"type": "tag.list",
"tags": []
"segments": {
"type": "segment.list",
"segments": []
"custom_attributes": {
"conversion_score": 0.98,
"age_bucket": "0-14"
"referrer": null,
"utm_campaign": null,
"utm_content": null,
"utm_medium": null,
"utm_source": null,
"utm_term": null,
"do_not_track": null,
"last_seen_ip": null,
"user_agent_data": null