I have some troubles with webhooks. For unknown reasons Webhook's verification fail for one particular customer. But not for all the time. Sometimes it succeeds (I'd say it fails 1 out of 10 ).
Do you have any tips on how to debug this issue? I logged the payload and it doesn't look suspicious. Just a regular user.tag.created event.
Here is how I verify webhook
const verifySignature = ({payload, secret, signature}) => {
const stringified = JSON.stringify(payload);
const calculatedSignature = `sha1=${crypto
.createHmac('sha1', secret)
if (calculatedSignature !== signature) {
throw badRequest(`Invalid signature provided`);
export const verifyWebhook = ({clientSecret}) => async ({params, payload}) => {
payload, //req.body parsed by koa-body
secret: clientSecret,
signature: paramss'x-hub-signature'],
return {id: payload.app_id};
Thanks in advance for any insigths!