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How do I tell the Workspace ID of a new User that installed my app?



I have an app that is installed via OAuth for 3rd party users. How do I tell what is their app id?


The rationale is that I'm using webhooks to listen to events for my 3rd party users, which I understand has an app_id within the payload. But I'm unable to map that app_id to which user that particular event is for as there doesn't seem to be anywhere else that provides that information upon OAuth?


Is there an API call that I can make to retrieve the app_id which an Access Token is tied to?



Best answer by Eric Fitz

Hey @lukas s​ @user763​, we had a similar question on this back in October 2020. Check out Zach's response, which should help you both here!

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4 replies

  • New Participant
  • 1 reply
  • August 10, 2021

I have the exact same situation. The app that I'm developing for intercom would not even need the OAuth, but submission rules kinda force me to use it.


All I need is a way to connect an Intercom workspace with projects in our app.


Since I need to implement OAuth for app submission, how can this be achieved?

Eric Fitz
  • Employee
  • 1630 replies
  • Answer
  • August 12, 2021

Hey @lukas s​ @user763​, we had a similar question on this back in October 2020. Check out Zach's response, which should help you both here!

  • New Participant
  • 3 replies
  • October 31, 2021
  1. This link no longer opens http://https//
  2. The /me response does not contain workspace_id


What's the correct way to figure out the workspace id after the oauth flow?

  • New Participant
  • 3 replies
  • October 31, 2021

looks like workspace id = app.id_code in the /me object; is this correct?


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