
I am trying to integrate contcats api in our website.For that we are using the api provided by intercom.But for fetching auth token there is param named "Code" which is missing even we are not able to find it's definition or identity what it is.

  • 3 December 2020
  • 4 replies

Api -





"client_id": "d0d273fc-d43c-4c2f-b4c9-1e22e43bcb01",

"client_secret":(VALUE HIDDEN)


in this api "code" what we need to pass in this param,


Best answer by Roy 3 December 2020, 23:54

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4 replies

Userlevel 1

Hey @tanay s​, I've just edited your post to remove your secret key. Please don't share this in a public forum as it could allow someone to compromise your app!

Thanks @eric f11​ .I will take care of this further.


Hi @tanay s​ 👋 , Hope you are doing well. Just to clarify if you want to use contacts API, all you need is "Authorization:Bearer <Your access token>".

"Api -; This for developing Intercom apps.


Intercom contact API documentation is here;

How to get an authorization token code for developing an app is here;


Hope this will be helpful.

Thanks @roy s11​ for your reply.But i am trying to get contacts data by auth token way for getting public and other cutsomers data as well.For that purpose i need to get auth token first by using mentioned api.But in that api "Code" parameter is unknown for me.Can you help me in that?
