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I'm creating wallboard for my client where I have to show how many "total chat today"? How can I fetch that? Please help.

Hello @anand​ , You are developing some custom solution or want to build some reports which will indicate total chats today?

Hi Roy, Thank for reply.

I'm developing a web app using NEXT JS where I can show some reports such as total chats, number of agents and Happiness score.

I'm using Axios.get method to fetch the data in next js - is this the right way of doing it ? Kindly suggest. Many thanks.

@anand​ , How about using Conversation Search API for that?


Sending request to


 "query": {

  "operator": "AND",

  "value": l


    "field": "created_at",

    "operator": ">",

    "value": 1619481600



    "field": "created_at",

    "operator": "<",

    "value": 1619568000






1619481600, 1619568000 This Unix timestamps are for todays date.

Thank you so much for your help !! 🙏


Can you please also help me to get the Happiness score as a percentage?


Many many thanks.

@anand​ Always happy to help 😎


About the Conversation rating, you should take a look at the following doc.

Thanks Roy,

can you tell me which API endpoint do I need for the Happiness score?
