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Having to first search by External ID, then grab the correct Intercom-provided User ID and then calling DELETE seems like a lot of steps to be able to delete someone when you already know the External ID. Is there a better way? Can a better way be made?


Doing one call to delete a contact's data instead of three would benefit Intercom too, right?


@rolf​ I hear you. I will flag this with the team.

Is there any update regarding this? @aparna

Also, is it possible to search for contacts using their emails?

Yes you can indeed search contacts via email>

No update on this yet.

Bump on this--I'm having to jump through hoops by running a search for a contact first before being able to run contact-specific actions like archive.

Either we'd have to store intercom's internal id (separate from external_id) on our own database--or have to retrieve intercom's id first.


It would be simpler to have email + external id available as contact action request parameters ! I don't see why not, since that already exists for event submission.

Any news since last year ?

+1 for bumping this.  It would benefit Intercom and your clients. The change to limiting contact search from the old API is a big step down for your clients.  Thanks.

Is there any update? On the Intercom API Docs it seems to exist the endpoint to GET a contact from External_id, but it is not available on stable versions of the API (I found it on the unstable version of the API).
It would be very beneficial to have this endpoint, so u dont need to make expensive requests for something that seems so simple.
