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Hello! How's it going? 😎


According to this doc: you can start out a tour, using, for example:


Intercom('startTour', 123);


Also, you can open a message with a pre-populated text, like this:


Intercom('showNewMessage', 'pre-populated content');


Is it possible to open a post from a JavaScript call in a similar way?




Hello @adrián​ 👋, Afraid open a post via JavaScript call is not possible, but there is one workaround.


You can send Event to Intercom to trigger already created post message.


1. Create some post message:

PostMessage2. Set up the even rule:

rules-eventSo Once you send event "show-post-event" to Intercom, this will display post message to your customer.

Event sending is supported via JavaScript call:>


Let me know if you have any question about this workaround, will be happy to help.

BTW: You can also request post message sending via JavaScript call feature in @Product Wishlist​ group.
