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I am making requests against the “Search Conversations” endpoint and paginating (using incremented pages) until the “total_pages” number returned in the response.

However, I noticed that each response always shows page “1” with the same next page number of “2” along with an identical starting_after token each time under the “pages” object. Why is this the case -- can a support member help me get this addressed?



Hi@Clouse 👋 Eden from the support engineer team here.


The “total_pages” that appear in the response when making a call to the Conversation Search  endpoint depends on the amount of conversations being returned in the response. When you are making this call to that endpoint, are you seeing a large number showing for the “total_count” of conversations being returned?


When paginating through the response, you should also be able to specify the amount of results shown on each page. Just a note here, you will need to use the Pagination and Sorting type of pagination for Search endpoints. 
