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Conversations tags not visible

  • October 22, 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi, is anyone else having the problem where tags sometimes don’t appear in the conversation? The conversation events show that the tag is applied, the tag is active, and it ends up in the right views, but we can’t see the tag in the conversation itself. This means we can’t remove tags when needed, causing conversations to remain in specific views even though we want them out.

So far, we’re manually tracking each conversation where a tag needs to be removed. I can’t wait for the day this issue is finally resolved, though I expect we’ll still have about ten days of work to undo the damage by then.

We contacted Intercom's support department at the beginning of June(!), and they acknowledged the issue, promising to resolve it as soon as possible. I guess it's not a major issue for them, but it has a significant impact on us. We've followed up every few weeks, but we keep receiving the same response. I’d be very surprised if we were the only company facing this issue—are others out there experiencing the same problem?

1 reply

Intercom Team

Hi @Support Admin, It’s Mat from the Support Engineering Team 😀

It looks like unexpected behaviour. I will create an Intercom conversation for our engineers to look into this issue.

Please continue this thread there.

Just to be sure we're on the same page, could you take a look at the article below in case you haven't seen it already?

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