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My team sent a lot of outbound messages to customers via the inbox that we want a customer to reply to.

Currently, as part of the macros we use, we set the conversation to closed when sending the message even though we want a response.

I am trying to understand what the impact of closing this conversation versus leaving it open/snoozed? Does it display differently to the customer at all?

Hey @Ben S11 👋

Larissa here from Intercom Support.

At Intercom, we only close a conversation when we determine that it’s been resolved. Whenever you are waiting for a response from the customer, we’d recommend that you keep the conversation Snoozed.

When you close the conversation, the customer receives a message that the conversation is closed. If the conversation meets the criteria explained here, a conversation rating is also sent.

Also, depending on your Messenger settings, customers might not be able to reply to the conversation.

For more information on when to snooze a conversation, I’d recommend that you check this article.

Hope this helps!

