Before Fin AI starts drafting their response I want to give a short text input like
This user is on the {plan} price plan with the following quotas: x seats, y integrations, ...
they are using custom features: {a}, {b}, {c}
Relevant metrics
- metric_1: value_1
- metric_2: value_2
- ...
so that the chatbot can give a much more contextual answer. This feels like low hanging AI fruit to get a much better answer. (ideally it also looks at some whitelisted custom data attributes (CDAs) / user tags)
As far as I know this functionality does not exist.
My proposal is to inject this via the javascript ( ) or via the backend REST API (for example via CDAs)
Alternatively: I could define a private help article that is scoped only to this person? (via ). But this really feels like a hack and not sure if it will be picked up by fun.
Any suggestions?