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Need an easy way to close conversations with unresponsive customers?

Need an easy way to close conversations with unresponsive customers?


To help save your team even more time, we’re releasing the ability to automatically close conversations where a customer has been unresponsive. 


Inactive customersYou can create this rule by selecting the event for “customer has been unresponsive”, setting the time frame to trigger it, and adding a “close conversation” action.


To make rules better fit your specific workflows, we’ve also added more flexibility to the existing “if a new conversation hasn’t been replied to” event. You can now choose a longer delay (up to 14 days) before the rule triggers.


Check out rules to see how else you can minimize manual, time-sucking tasks. We want to hear from you: what repetitive workflows would you like to automate for your team?

It would be really useful if you could embed a saved reply to go back to the customer alongside the closure i.e. "We haven't heard back from you in a while so we'll close this ticket for now. Feel free to respond back at anytime and this ticket will be re-opened."

I second this. Without a saved reply, this is basically asking for trouble. Users don't like conversations getting closed out of nowhere.

You can do this with Bump by Userfeed. We use it to auto follow-up and then close conversations.

+1 on needing a Saved Reply to be inserted alongwith the auto-closure.

@sushana​ I love this for closing things I don't need to respond to but if you want the ability to add a canned message -- check out Bump from @user649​ and the team at Userfeed and you've got the saved reply templates and multiple check ins before closing. It works really well and the ROI on your time well worth it!


Here's the link for more info or it's now in the App store for Intercom too>



@user222​ I forgot to tag you as well, this is exactly what Bump that I mentioned above does! FYI -- I'm not with the team that created it, I'm just a happy user :)

Thanks for the mention @user347​ !


@user222​ @ugo​ Here's the app store profile on Bump to learn more and install if you'd like to. If you have any questions I'd be happy to help you set up what you're trying to do here. It's pretty easy with Bump :)


Landon Bennett

Co-founder of Intercom apps: Userfeed & Bump

Thanks for the mention @nathan s11​  !


@sushana​ ​ Here's the app store profile on Bump to learn more and install if you'd like to. If you have any questions I'd be happy to help you set up what you're trying to do here. It's pretty easy with Bump :)


Landon Bennett

Co-founder of Intercom apps: Userfeed & Bump

Thank you for sharing this @nathan s11​ , mighty helpful! 🙂 Checking out Bump immediately! My support team will owe me one now. 😉

Hey @user649​ , Thank you for reaching out! I'm just about to install Bump from the Intercom App Store. I will definitely reach out if I need any help! Wonderful to see the solutions are always there, and if not by Intercom, by someone else!

Thank you! Checking Bump out.

Cheers, Nathan! Will give this a shot.

Happy to help if you run into any issues/questions :)


Landon Bennett

Co-founder of Intercom apps: Userfeed & Bump