Hello Intercom Community,
I am currently designing an ETL job to ingest daily customer conversation data from Intercom and have a specific question regarding the merging of lead and user profiles, as documented here: Merge Lead and User Profiles.
When a lead profile is merged with a user profile and the lead's conversations are transferred to the user's profile, how is this process implemented in the background regarding the conversation_id and the intercom_id of the transferred conversation? Specifically, are the conversations from the lead profile:
- Copied as new conversations with new conversation IDs [conversation_id], but now associated with the user's Intercom ID [intercom_id]?
- Or is the existing conversation (originally under the lead's profile) simply updated to reflect the user's Intercom ID [intercom_id], retaining the original conversation ID [conversation_id]?
Understanding this process is important for my ETL design. If conversations are copied as new with new conversation IDs [conversation_id], I won't need to handle conflicts in conversation IDs in my system. However, if the Intercom ID of an existing conversation is updated, I will need to design my ETL process to handle potential conflicts by updating the Intercom ID in my database.
Any insights or clarifications on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you!