Hello. My goal is to use the Intercom API in order to fetch conversations (of my project).
I've created a new app on my personal workspace; generated a new token and tried to use this token to access the conversations;
I used this API ;
> https://api.intercom.io/conversations/p>
I get back this response -
"type": "error.list",
"request_id": "000229afga31flof5mqg",
"errors": [
"code": "api_plan_restricted",
"message": "Active subscription needed."
Looking at this page - https://developers.intercom.com/intercom-api-reference/v2.0/reference/error-codes/p>
I seems like this issue mapped to `The API is not available on this App's Plan`
I don't understand what it means;
- which subscription are we talking about? how can I fix it.
- why is this API not available on my new App?