
Cannot save live custom actions? also where is the documentation on what Intercom needs to not throw an error for a custom action?

  • 14 September 2022
  • 1 reply

what it says in the title. I want to update the endpoint for a custom action and tweak the body a little bit. the custom action is currently live.


when I make the changes and test things are fine, however I cannot hit the "save" button at the top of the page, its greyed out. this issue happens across both my login and one of the developers working with me.


additionally, I am getting the error message "Custom action failed while processing the response from 3rd party API." this happens with one of my API endpoints but not the other, despite everything coming through fine from Intercom to my API endpoint and intercom showing the response when I test. What exactly does intercom need me to pass it so that it considers the call a "success?"


the only help article I can find is this one and it does not cover my issue.


intercom takes a good chunk of time to get questions like this to their dev team as this is a new feature. any input or help from those who have puzzled this out would be appreciated.

1 reply

Userlevel 2

Hey @lloyd​! Daniel from Customer Support Engineering here 🔧 


Once you edit a live custom action, you'll need to test the request as well as the response mapping again. Once you've done this, and both are successful, you should be able to save the action 🙌


As for the second issue, I'm not so sure. My best advice would be to examine any HTTP errors that occurred while testing the API, and if you aren't receiving any, maybe test the API through a platform like Postman and see if you can spot what is wrong with the request/object returned in Intercom 👍 If this is continually blocking you, please write into us via the Messenger and refer to this issue.


Hope this helps 👋
