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I’m Trying to create a note through API but I keep geting the folowing error:



"type": "error.list",


"request_id": "00004sf7lmss99tebltg",


"errors": o




"code": "parameter_invalid",


"message": "Body can't be nil"







I also noticed that the documentation URL is wrong, ‘note’ should be “notes”

API Call:

$ curl


-H 'Authorization:Bearer ’

-H ‘Accept:application/json’ -d


“body”: “Shiny”,

“admin_id”: “12345”


@user345​ , Yes there definitely should be "notes".


But it's working from me.


Authorization: Bearer


Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 46


 "body": "Shiny",

 "admin_id": "12345"



Shiny noTes

Let's tag @Jack Jenkins​ , to change the note to notes 😎

Nice one looping in someone from the Intercom team, @roy s11​! Just so you know, Jack looks after our Help Center, but not our developer docs - I've asked the team that does, though, to make this change!

That's been corrected now - for future reference @roy s11​ and @user345​, each section in our Developer Docs has a Suggest Edits button so that you can submit your own suggested changes 🙌
