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I have integrated IBM Watson to the intercom. Could anyone help me how to pass the Qualification data (email or account number or name) from intercom to Watson?

Hey @anoop​, can you tell us a bit more about how you built this integration? Did you use a third-party platform like Zapier, or did you integrate Intercom's API directly with Watson?


This extra information will help to answer your question.

Hi Eric,


We don't use any third-party platform.


We integrate intercom API directly with Watson.


I have attached a sample conversation from our intercom where you can see Watson is assigned after 3 initial conversations. From this point, I need to see some values from the Qualication section (highlighted in red) of the intercom. Could you please suggest the best way to achieve this result?

Intercom - Watson chat sample 



Thanks for sharing that screenshot, Anoop. I'd like to know a little more about your integration with Watson to help solve this problem for you. Can you give me an example of an API call you make to Watson, to create a lead? This will help me identify what might be going wrong.

The lead is already created and authenticated in intercom.

The Watson program is created in such a way that it needs an email address or Account number from the lead which is already in the intercom.

Can you suggest a method to pass those variables from intercom to watson?

Hello @anoop​ , You can get conversation details via API, Get User ID and then retrieve a contact.


More information from Intercom API Doc.

Hi @roy s11​ Thanks for your answer, but could you please tell me how to get the conversation ID (unique identifier for the conversation) from the intercom and pass to Watson?


Basically, when Watson is assigned a conversation from the intercom, we need to get the conversation ID (unique identifier for the conversation) and based on that conversation ID we can get the conversation details via API. Could you please suggest how to get the conversation ID from the intercom and pass to Watson?

Hi, did you figure this out?

im looking to access intercoms userId, email or other data in watson asistant,


