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RAW data for 2.5 API:



Authorization: Bearer xxxxx


Accept: application/json

Content-Type: application/json

Content-Length: 0


This results in:


  "errors": t{

    "code": "not_found",

    "message": "The requested resource does not exist; check your path and try again"


  "type": "error.list"



What am I doing wrong?


Auth code is 2.5 compatible. Conversation ID is the one in the URL bar.

Hey @user1317​ ! In our logs I am not able to see any details in relation to the conversation id 729. I do see a few error for message id 729 it says user not found. Apart from this I do see few other error for a difference conversation where you were trying to update. The error flagged there was conversation attribute doesn't exist. If you could get the request id it will be helpful to narrow down the search.
