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Does anyone know how to contact Userfeed? With Bump no longer supported nor present in the available apps, we are trying to stop payment. Would like to avoid going through our bank to stop payment, but have been unable to reach anyone at Userfeed directly. 

Any help would be great! 

Hey there @John Ybarra, Emily here from Support Engineering 👋🏼

I had a look and I can find the Userfeed support team here 👈🏼

The “Bump” app by Userfeed has been deactivated in Intercom, and as built and managed by the team at Userfeed, they would be the best point of contact, however it doesn’t appear they offer a support channel. Internally, we can see that Userfeed seems to have deactivated the app from the Intercom app store but unfortunately we don’t have any further information from them.
As a workaround, you can use workflows as suggested by my teammate Jacob in the Community thread here or you may need to find a replacement tool. Let us know if there’s any remaining support we can offer from this end!

Hope this helps! 

@John Ybarra Were you ever able to get ahold of anyone at Bump/Userfeed to cancel your account or did you have to dispute the charges? We are in the same boat - keep getting charged and haven’t used it for months.



We had to dispute the charges and cancel via our bank, unfortunately. 
