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1 - When an article is unavailable in a certain language, a default message appears.
Can this message either be edited (e.g. adding “Try searching with English or another language set as your Help Center language”), or could there automatically be suggested direct links to this article in other languages if available?

2 - When users use the search bar with keywords in their native language (e.g. German), but the help center is set in another language (e.g. English), it can happen that they will not see search results, even though there is content available if they searched with the right language set.

One workaround that we think about is to add placeholder articles catching the most common keywords, then forwarding to the right version from there – but: not scaleable, lots of manual work.

Instead: Could Intercom suggest that there are no results for this search in the current language, but there are in another language?

What are possible other workarounds?

Looking forward for ideas & help :)

Thx, Patrick


Hello @Patrick G12 👋🏼  Shauna here from Support! 

These would both be considered feature requests - I will share these with the Product team for you 🚀  

We take input from our customers with great consideration when creating new features and refining our current solutions.

I know it may seem self explanatory, but as it's great for the Product team to be able to see why introducing particular features is so important, I'd love to know a little more on your use case here ✨

I can pass any additional context along to the team for you! 

I will also add in @Milan, @Nathan Sudds & @Kevin Bendixen in case they are aware of any workarounds 🙏🏼

Hey team,

thanks for picking this up.

1 - As a user, I would like to see alternative suggestions in other languages if available, if a keyword search in my current Help Center language shows no results. E.g. My current language setting is German and I search for “Passwort vergessen”, it could suggest me the English “forgot password” article as an alternative, if that one is available.

2 - As a Help center admin, I would like to customise the error message that appears when an article is not available any more / not available in a certain language.

Hope that helps! :)
