Hello @user1076 👋, Welcome to Interconnect 🎉
Q - Is it possible to keep the old URL?
A - 😞 Afraid it's not possible to customize article URL's in Intercom. You can submit feature request about this case in @Product Wishlist group.
However, there is one workaround:
1) Use new sub-domain for the Intercom help center, let's say help.mycompany.com
2) Config redirects from old sub-domain support.mycompany.com -> help.mycompany.com
This workaround requires some tech knowledge.
I hope this will be helpful, let me know if you have some questions about workaround - Will be happy to help.
@user1076 If you're talking about the starting page of the help desk, then this should be possible. You have to create a CNAME entry anyways in order to use a custom domain. However, it will not be possible to automatically match the URLs for all the articles.
Actually the whole problem is that when importing articles from Zendesk, the article ID is not maintained, causing the URL to be different. If id was migrated too there would be no problem. :/