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I'm trying to use article rules to display only the articles relevant to a particular product. Not working as expected. Is it my rule or my Intercom config?


My article rule uses the referral URL attribute. the URLs look like this:





My rule specifies referral URL contains <product1>.<>.


Should this rule allow users coming from the product1 URL to see the article?

Hey @user892​, can you tell me a little bit more about how you've set up this rule? How are you sharing the articles? Is it through a chat message using the Article Inserter app?

Our web apps just display the whole Help Center when users click Help. Then they self help.

Hello @user892​ , I will jump into this conversation. If you are planning to restrict articles based on user products, you should send Intercom data attributes.


1) Creating Data Attibutes let's say - Product

2) Send Intercom data - Product = Product1 or Product = Product2

3) Restrict articles based on the data attribute


The Help Center URL will be one - Like

When a user makes a log-in to your app and redirects to the help center, they will see appropriate articles.


Let me know if you have any further questions or need some video instruction on this case. I will be more than happy to provide all information.


Looking forward. 🦄

thanks for the input. custom attributes require engineering cycles, which i was hoping to avoid. seems we will have to bite the bullet.

@user892​ , Are you currently tracking logged-in visitors in Intercom? How about using tags instead of data attributes?

not yet. help center is the primary use case right now. i inherited a help center for a legacy product. we have a new product under development.
