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I am trying to embed an image URL into an article so we can quickly replace images by just updating the image url in our image repository. How do I do this in Intercom? 

I tried putting the code 

<img src=””/> into the Insert Code block but this populates no images, as if the code does not work but the code is correct. I followed this article on Intercoms website that states you CAN insert this type of code into a help center article. Any advice is appreciated!

Hey @Gabrielle Tripoli   👋  Bernice here from Intercom support.

To embed an image into an article with HTML code formatting, you’ll need to use the REST API Article endpoints 📌 The article you linked above has some great steps on getting the most out of this method.

The code block option in the UI when creating an article is solely for the purpose of showing any text that is code - no code placed in a code block will be executed.
