@user667 , contact with the user role can't be converted to a lead.
Let me be clear, you have a form and getting leads to the Mailchimp account. I'm correct?
Do you want to transfer these accounts to Intercom as a lead?
1. You can manually transfer old entries (CSV Import)
2. For the new ones, you can create Zapier integration.
Mailchimp new contact -> Intercom new lead
When someone fills a form and it appears in Mailchimp, Zapier will transfer them to Intercom as a lead.
If this workflow suits you, Just let me know, will be happy to create video instruction for you how to set-up Zapier integration.
Hey @user667 👋
The Mailchimp import is only for users, you can read more about that in this article
Important: This import is for users only. If you'd like to import leads, you'll need to export a CSV from Mailchimp and import your CSV into Intercom.
Keep in mind that you will not be able to import the CSV as leads now, since those already exist as users, and the CSV import will just merge the leads into the existing users.
The workaround here would be to permanently delete the imported users, and then import the CSV as leads 👍
Hey there, @roy s11 and @lisa b11,
This is helpful. A previous question clarified that the Mailchimp import was for users only, so I went with the CSV file export and import to bring in these "leads." The trick was that most of the people I brought in were already in intercom as users. So... that's why they remain users.
I see your point that I could delete and re-add them, but for our purposes especially going forward, I think we should just understand that the distinction between users and leads is not as firm as we'd first understood.
We have our own attributes to indicate whether they're subscribers to our system and within that whether they've paid. That will allow us to be more crisp about the distinction. What we really need to know is whether they've created an account in our software. We'll use our system authentication and Stripe attributes to track that.
This is very helpful to know now. Thank you. Again, @roy s11 and @lisa b11, I do appreciate the white gloved treatment, thank you for that!
Very welcome, happy to be able to clarify and get you sorted!
As far as I know, you cannot change the users to leads or vice versa. This is a common problem that we face as we call our leads as leads, whereas MailChimp labels it as users. Now you cannot make any changes to the labeling. Either keep using the names as it is or use any integration platform where you can connect your MailChimp with Intercom. With this, you can gather your leads, send them automated emails, and then automate your entire email marketing with Mailchimp. Hope this helps.
Hey, @user658 thanks for that tip. I already broke down and bought into Zapier to get leads from Facebook into Intercom so that's a good tip to keep intercom updated from Mailchimp.