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I want to set up a Post that only appear on specific pages that can only be accessed by admins but I'm having difficulty getting the Post to appear on admin pages.


I have a Post that is intended to appear on specific pages that can only be accessed by admins. I scoped it to pages that contain `/admin` in the URL and I limited users to only those who clicked on `admin` on the nav (which is only visible to admins). However, the Post doesn't appear on any of the pages containing `/admin`.

Hey @phoebe e​, can you share a screenshot of the rules you've configured for this post, please? Is the Intercom Messenger also installed on pages containing /admin?

Hey @phoebe e​  👋 Paul here from Intercom Support!


First thing to do is to check that the Messenger is installed on these pages as an Outbound Message won't show otherwise!


Then as you mentioned you can use the "page url is" or "page url contains" rules to specify the web pages in question. If both of these are in place already and it is still now showing please let me know and I can take a closer look 🕵️‍♂️
