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Is it possible to trigger a Series by recent page views? I can see the data in a user profile but not in the rules.

No, that data is useless from the point of setting rules (unfortunately)

That data serves only to give agents more context into user behavior.

Hello @jessica w11​ 👋 , Sure, You can trigger Series by page URL:

Pricing pageLet me know if you have any further questions about this topic.


@jessica w11​ was clear in saying "recent page views" not the "current page" or "referral page" that can be used as a trigger. He/She meant this:


Screenshot 2021-03-11 093639And as I said, that data can not be used in triggers, in filtering, it's just there to give a context to the Agent.

@user382​, it's possible to use this data in Series.


You can define 3-4 URL's in Series as an Entry rule (Old data cannot be targeted, new ones for sure).


Let's wait until @jessica w11​ responses.

Hello both - I feel like I'm interrupting something here, the tension is palpable.


@user382​ is indeed correct @roy s11​ , I was wondering if you could use the recent page views, for example "User has visited X page 0 days ago" triggers a tag being added but it does appear that, as @user382​ pointed out this is redundant. Is that something that would ever be added? It seems a shame to surface that data but it be unusable for Series automation (I'm unsure of the point of it if you can't use it for anything)

OK, please show me how would you create a rule to start the Series for whoever visited page X recently? Or even better, let's say visited page X in the last 7 days?


The rule you showed is working only when a visitor visits the page since the Series is launched.


To me, it is clear that @jessica w11​ refers to Recent Page Views, please read carefully again - "Is it possible to trigger a Series by recent page views? I can see the data in a user profile but not in the rules."






EDIT: ah I had a break in writing the post and it was replied already by the original post author. 🙂


Hey @roy s11​ @user382​ - I get that both of you are trying to help the person who's asked the question here, but let's remember the Interconnected House Rules; specifically, be welcoming and supportive.


We're all here to learn, and it's totally OK for people to make mistakes or misunderstand the initial question. I'm delighted to have you both be so enthusiastic about helping your fellow Connectors, but let's make sure that we're doing it in a spirit of positivity and mutual respect & support.


I'm also going to remove some of the more heightened comments in this thread, just to ensure that it's in line with our community guidelines.

@jessica w11​ , You can do that, Recent page views are generated from current page views.


Let's say you want to tag people who visited 7 Days ago to your pricing page, you can build following rule:


- Entry rule - Current page contains /pricing -> Wait Block for 7 Days -> Tag


It's not possible to do this for old time period but for new for sure.


I hope this will be helpful.

Edit: comment removed by community moderator.

So me calling him to read carefully and him calling me a "sweetheart" is removed LOL


Here the example:

PricingPricing1Pricing2I hope this will be helpful.

So, imagine you have a store with at least 100 products, and you want to track it. It would be a series of 100 x 3 blocks.

Plus maybe additional pages...


Yes, your workaround will work for really important pages you want to track and it will work from the point you set it up and into the future.


The point is, the data is there, sitting in the Intercom DB. It can be shown as a built-in event (like Article views). BTW, it would also be great if more info from the Event can be used not just timing and the count. That would make the Rule engine so much powerful.

@user382​, I'm happy to discuss this one-to-one with you. Look out for an in-app message from me in Intercom.

No need. Just keep monitoring... 😉 hint: below.

Hey everyone, I'm closing this thread as the discussion is becoming non-constructive and is straying away from the initial goal - namely, to help someone who had a question about Series.


@jessica w11​, please feel free to message me directly with any more questions on this topic.
