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In our use case we send specific tags to Intercom when an user tries out one of the key software features for the first time during the free trial - we then want to use this tag to trigger a certain follow-up message in context with the feature just used.


Would it be better to use an event based message in this use case? Is there a difference in latency between tag vs. event used as the trigger mechanism/rule for the message? 


It's important that the message follows immediately on the action just taken by the user.

Hey @jan j​ 👋


Are you using the API to tag and submit the event to the user?

@lisa b11​ 

Hi Lisa 👋 Yes, we use the API for that.

In our tests it seems that using a tag has the disadvantage that 1) the exchange with Intercom is laggy and 2) using the tag to then immediately trigger a follow-up message requires a page (re)load or else the in-app message won't show up...

The event should work in realtime, however it will only show after a re-ping with the Messenger. So it might not need a page reload if you re-ping the messenger using our Javascript API. If not it will require a page reload. You could call this javascript method here to initiate a ping request or refresh the messenger installation to initiate it. Hope this helps 🙌
