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The avatar does appear when the sender is selected among the "Teammates", but not when selected among the "Custom addresses", which is the recommended way.


Schermata 2022-01-21 13:08:11

Hey @marco a​! Is avatar of the admin present in the email client to which the custom address belongs to? For example if a teammate uses their gmail account as their custom email address, the avatar needs to be present in their gmail account.

Hi @aparna​ ,

sorry for the late reply. We are using O365, not Gmail. Our profile pictures are set but it looks like they are not picked up by Intercom.

@aparna​ I just added an avatar to our custom email address on G Suite. Do I just wait for it to update, or is there anything left to do? Thanks!

Hey @tiffany s​ !


Once you have the avatar on your custom email address on G Suite, it should show up.

@aparna​ do I understand correctly that this is not supported for Office 365?
